+1 650-253-0000


“Listen to Your Art!” is May 15, 16, 17 and 18
See you there on Public Square, Wilkes-Barre Pennsylvania

Fine Arts Fiesta Come For The Arts... The Entertainment... The Artists' Market... The Food... And Be Sure To Bring The Kids! IMG_0255-1240x900 a9c7f8ab-d258-41ed-aea4-369ade1c0887_1240x980 IMG_0245-1240x900 pen collage copy


69th Annual Fine Arts Fiesta, Public Square Wilkes Barre PA

Share Your Talent At The Fine Arts Fiesta Artists' Market 2025

When: May 15-18, 2025

Where: Public Square, Wilkes Barre, PA 18702

Time:  May 15-17, 11am-8pm | May 18, 11 am-5 am

Set Up Times: May 14, 4 pm-9 pm | May 15, 7 am-10 am




Profit from the experience…

The Fine Arts Fiesta (FAF) is the oldest juried arts festival in PA. More than 50,000 people attend the four-day free event in downtown Wilkes-Barre.

Back-to-back performances, exciting exhibits and a delicious array of ethnic foods ensure a steady flow of people from the Northeast to your booth.



The FAF is open to all artists and craftspeople 18 years of age and older who create original work. No commercial molds, kit objects, decoupage, pre-manufactured components, etc. will be considered. Jurors and the FAF reserve the right to determine the eligibility of all objects submitted for jurying. The FAF attempts to show a reasonable number of each of the fine arts and crafts.



A Standards Committee reserves the right to request removal of any work not accurately represented by the slides to jury the craftsperson.


Upon acceptance, please submit jpeg photos of your work and a short bio.



Cash awards are presented for Best of Show in Fine Arts, Crafts, along with Honorable Mentions in each category at the Judge’s discretion at The Artists’ Breakfast.


The Artists’ Breakfast

All exhibitors will receive an invitation to the free breakfast and awards ceremony on Saturday morning May 17, 2025. Cost for additional guests for the breakfast is $18.



Upon acceptance, a $200 exhibition fee and $30 W-B license fee paid Fine Arts Fiesta is required by April 5, 2025. Late payments are not accepted. Exhibit fees are non-refundable after April 14, 2025.


Exhibition Space and Provisions

Exhibitors must supply their own 10’ x 10’ tents and lights. FAF provides 110V electricity, water and comfort facilities. Exhibitors must keep their area clean. Laptops cannot be plugged into the power source.



We encourage exhibitors to demonstrate.



Exhibitors’, who live outside a 60-mile radius of FAF, are provided a subsidized single-occupancy hotel room in close proximity to the event on Public Square. Hotel rooms are on a first come first serve basis for Thurs., Fri. and Sat. night for a total of $200 (Payable to FAF by April 5, 2025). Reservations will be made by FAF for your hotel rooms and a reservation number will be provided to you. Contact information for the hotel will also be provided for anyone needing to book a room for additional nights at your own expense.



FAF provides security from closing time until opening time the following day. Exhibitors acknowledge they are responsible for the care of their own work and display and that neither Luzerne County, the city of Wilkes-Barre, or FAF are responsible for the loss or damage of any works or display in the show or in overnight storage.



Free Artist parking off Public Square is provided.

2025 Fine Arts Fiesta Annual Call for Volunteers

Dates: May 14-15-16-17-18

Place: Public Square, Wilkes-Barre, Pa

Times: Vary-Day & Evenings

Volunteers are what keep the Fiesta running smoothly and as always we look to our community for assistance and support just view our current needs below and please send an Email via our website www.fineartsfiesta.org to the chairperson of the committee you are most interested in volunteering with.

More than one choice may be made if desired, shifts usually run 3 hours.


Serve as general hosts introducing performances, introducing acts and information. Time assigments are specific.

Kathy Bozinski, Chairperson

Information/Guest Services

Answer questions, assist guests, distribute programs take any messages for Fiesta Staff. Specific shifts are assigned.

Susan Braden, Chairperson

Artists Market

Assist with set up/checking in of Artists and spot check during festival days

Joel Zitofski,  Anne Rodella & Ted Reese

Chair Set-up & Take Down

Wednesday 14 May after 3 pm  & Sunday 18 May after 7 pm

Paul Price & Brian Benedetti

Artists Ambassadors

Give artists in the Artists’ Market breaks by watching their booth while they use the restroom or get food or beverages. Specific shifts assigned.

Kevin Womelsdorf

Exhibition Hosts

Walking throughout assigned tent checking art works, answering questions and selling of the art works. Specific shifts assigned

Joanna Bryn Smith & Grayson Rogers

Juried Art

Assist with check in on entry all day 12 April

Assist with transport, hanging and securing art work 14 May

Assist with returning & transporting art work 18 May

Gary Womelsdorf & Ron Woznock

Souvenir Tent

Staffing & selling items, distributing programs and providing information

Darlene Smith & Ann Saxton

Table Maintenance

Setting up/changing table cloths, watering plants, adjusting chairs

Brian Benedetti


Painting of pegboards, sculpture stands and sign frames. Early week work Monday, 12 through Wednesday, 14 May

Paul Price

2025 Food Vendor Letter & Bid Form

Fine Arts Fiesta
May 15-18 2025

Post Office Box 2053, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania 18703                                                                                                           

Phone:  570-885-0419                


Brian I. Benedetti, Executive Director                   21 January 2025

Dear Food Vendor,

Hope this letter finds you and your well and safe in the New Year. In 2024 we enjoyed avery successful festival and are hoping for a repeat!

It is time to bid on food vendor spaces for the 2025 Fine Arts Fiesta, our 69th Year!

All bids must include a full food and beverage menu and prices, linear foot bid (all bids begin at $25.00 per

linear foot, minimum of 10’ frontal, description of food vendor stand and a photograph of approximately how it will appear.

Deadline for hard copy bids is postmarked April 10, 2025. No exceptions made.

We remain concerned with Covid protocols, food freshness, proper temperatures, quality, refrigeration, stand cleanliness and as always over all aesthetic presentation of all vendor staff and spaces. Again we shall provide a water disposal tank to meet state and federal standards.

In the event two vendors bid with the same food item the higher bid will always prevail.  If there is a tie the vendors will have to rebid for the space. Upon a second tie a drawing will be held with the festival board at large present.

All successful bidders will be notified by hard copy letter and have 7 days to pay their fee in full unless otherwise arranged with me. There is a 20% commission due daily before leaving the festival site to the Fine Arts Fiesta represenative on all the gross sales.

Please he reminded that the Wilkes-Barre City license fees* are now: $300.00 first time one year, and good for all city functions except the Farmers Market, $200.00 renewal year, and $150.00 Temporary 4 day License.  The four day has been added for those only choosing to do Fiesta. Any questions call the city 570 208-4149.

Interested vendors should read the following carefully before submitting their bids.

_The Fine Arts Fiesta reserves the right to accept or reject any and all bids.  No distinction will be made between profit or not-for-profit vendors.

_Vendors must provide the Fine Arts Fiesta with a certificate of broad form comprehensive general public liability insurance with the Fine Arts Fiesta listed as additionally insured with a minimum of one million dollars coverage seven days before the fiesta opens on 16 May 2024.

_A detailed contract will be signed by all successful bidders which must be signed with the amount due for the agreed upon frontage upon 14 May 2025 1 pm check in set forth in the bid form.

_If you are interested in bidding, please complete the enclosed bid form and return it by the date specified on the bid form. Remember there is a 20% commission due daily to the Fine Arts Fiesta on the gross sales collected nightly.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to call me between 8:30 AM and 3:30 PM at 570 885-0419 or at brianjbenedetti@aol.com.

Good luck and we hope to see you at Fiesta Sixty Eight, Listen to your Art!.


Brian J. Benedetti       *as of this letter date thus far no increase has been indicated to us.